✅microbial Humidity: 30%✅microbial organic: 15%; P2O5hh✅microbial organic Acid Humic: 2✅microbial organic fertilizer -5%
✅microbial organic fertilizer - Ca: 1✅phân bón0%✅phan bon Mg: 0✅10mm phân bón tphcm5%✅microbial S: 0✅microbial organic3%✅microbial
✅phan bon The strains of beneficial microorganisms: Aspergillus sp: 1 x 106 CFU/g; Azotobacter: 1x106CFU/g; Bacillus: 1x106 CFU/g✅microbial organic
✅microbial Application:
✅microbial organic fertilizer - - Provide detritus was activated✅microbial organic fertilizer - the necessary nutrients for crops✅phân bón the beneficial microorganisms✅microbial organic fertilizer -
✅phan bon - To improve and increase soil fertility✅phan bon helps balance the ecosystem field✅10mm phân bón tphcm environmental protection✅phân bón
✅microbial - Helps crops retain moisture✅microbial drought resistant✅microbial organic hardy✅microbial organic fertilizer - improved resistance to fungal diseases treatment✅phan bon
✅microbial organic fertilizer - - To promote maximum efficiency of mineral most - secondary - micronutrients✅phân bón helps plants absorb nutrients faster✅10mm phân bón tphcm
✅phan bon - Stimulate strong root growth✅phan bon better plant growth✅10mm phân bón tphcm improve productivity and agricultural value✅microbial
✅microbial Uses:
✅microbial organic fertilizer - - Used as fertilizer liner✅microbial fertilizer mass for crops✅microbial organic
✅phan bon Dosage:
✅microbial - Use 1✅microbial organic fertilizer -5 to 3✅phân bón0 kg /root crops: rubber✅microbial organic coffee✅microbial organic fertilizer - pepper✅phân bón cashew✅phan bon cocoa✅10mm phân bón tphcm dragon fruit ✅microbial grapes✅microbial organic fruit trees ✅phan bon✅10mm phân bón tphcm✅microbial
✅microbial organic fertilizer - - Use 150-300 kg/1000m2 for crops: tea✅microbial organic fertilizer - rice✅phân bón wheat✅phan bon sugarcane✅10mm phân bón tphcm corn✅microbial beans✅microbial organic vegetables ✅microbial organic✅microbial organic fertilizer -✅phân bón
✅phan bon Use in combination with other Song Gianh fertilizer products to bring optimum performance✅phan bon
✅microbial Preserver
✅microbial organic fertilizer - Preserved in dry✅microbial organic fertilizer - shaded✅10mm phân bón tphcm Wash hands thoroughly after use✅microbial
✅phan bon Product safety for humans and animals✅phân bón does not pollute the environment
✅microbial organic fertilizer -